Managing your enrolment
Managing your enrolment title

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students (Diplomas, Bachelors, Honours, Masters)
Enrolment Dates
All principle course dates may be found in the ‘Class’ tab for any course search via the Programs and Courses page. These include:
- Class start date
- Last day to enrol (self-enrolment deadline in ISIS)
- Census date: The last day to withdraw from a course without any financial or academic penalty.
Permission codes
Some courses have restrictions to enrolments that will prevent self enrolment, and you will need a Permission Code to enrol via ISIS. For CASS courses, you can submit a permission code request through our online form.
Late Enrolment
If you have missed the last day to self-enrol via ISIS, you may request late enrolment from the College offering the course following their internal process.
For CASS Courses, you can apply for a late enrolment via email to and providing a completed Application for Enrolment Change form. If you are requesting late enrolment after Monday of Week 3, you will need to also provide a written statement on how you intend to catch up with the course material, for consideration by the Course Convenor for final approval. Requests for late enrolment during non-standard teaching sessions always require Convenor approval.
It can take upwards of 24-48 hours before you will be able to access Wattle after your late enrolment is processed, and you may have missed some assessment items (such as quizzes or participation grades) that cannot be submitted retroactively. Choosing to enrol in a course late will never be considered grounds for Special Consideration.
Enrolment in session based courses
Session based courses are courses that are offered outside of the standard Semester 1/Semester 2.
These include Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring session courses.
If you want to enrol in a session based course you will need a permission code. For CASS courses, you can submit a permission code request through our online form.
Study load and program leave
Depending on your program, there may be requirements that you need to follow if you wish to change your study load or take program leave. Please see the following advice.
- Overload your enrolment
- If you want to enrol in a session based course which will exceed the maximum 24 unit study load per Semester, you will be required to apply for study overload. Students seeking to overload should carefully read the ANU policy at Student Academic Load and Progression.
- Study during non-standard teaching periods, for example Winter, will count towards your maximum study load per Semester if the teaching period overlaps with the Semester. This is also the case for Cross-institutional Study taken at another University.
- Reducing your study load as an international student (coursework)
- Program leave (international coursework student)
- Program leave (domestic coursework student)
- If you are enrolled in an Honours program in CASS and wish to take program leave, please follow the advice on this page
HDR students (PhD and MPHIL)
How to enrol in HDR coursework
- To enrol in coursework as an HDR student, you will need to submit an eForm in ISIS
- Go to: ISIS>Degree Management>Manage My Degree>MMD-HDR-Manage My Degree - HDR. In the Action Selection tab select: Change enrolment - Add/Drop Courses. Select the term of course on offer, select the type as "Postgraduate" or "Research", and select the course
- If the course requires permission from the course convenor, please do not seek a request permission code. Instead, please upload written permission of the course convenor to your eForm
- Once you submit the eForm, it may take a few weeks to be approved and processed. You can find more details about the eForm, including a quick guide, on:
- If the eForm does not work, please contact the CASS Student Office
HDR study load
- Research study load: to change from full-time to part-time or vice versa, use this information to guide your decisions
- As an HDR student, you are automatically enrolled in your research study load each semester. The research study load is reflected in ISIS with a code corresponding to your area (e.g. PHIL for Philosophy, ANTH for Anthropology, etc). The F or P at the end of the code indicates whether you are enrolled on a full time or part time basis. If you commence after the start of a research semester or if you are enrolled in coursework, the Graduate Research Office (GRO) adjust your research load to meet your load requirements for full time or part time. E.g. if you are a full time student and commence in late February, your unit load may only be 15 or 16 units (a full-time load is 24 units)
- Research program leave: HDR students may apply for personal leave, medical leave, and/or parental leave
Changing or withdrawing from an HDR program
- Research program change and transfer: for those thinking of changing your PhD to an Mphil or vice versa, or you want to change research discipline
- Internal/external status: find out about attendance requirements and changing your attendance mode
- Withdrawal from a research program: for those thinking of withdrawing completely from a research program