Bachelor degrees - Information Text title

Bachelor degrees

All Arts and specialist Arts degrees allow you to select elective subjects of interest as well as your majors as part of your studies. Within the Bachelor of Arts degree alone there are over 60 majors or specialisations available for you to choose.

We offer degrees that will provide students with the skills for whatever path they choose in life. Our status as Australia's national university and our location in the heart of Australia's capital city, ensures students have access to a variety of degrees making the most of who and where we are.

Flexible Double Degrees

Bachelor Flexible Double Degree Text title

A Flexible Double Degree allows you to combine an arts degree with another bachelor degree of your choice. You can build your own degree combination to suit both a career path and a personal passion.

Students can combine an arts degree with any of the degrees in the following groups:

  • Law
  • Arts, Social Sciences, Business or Science
  • Engineering or Advanced Computing


How to apply

Information on how to apply and selecting your degree preferences for Australian, New Zealand international applicants.

Bachelor of Languages
Constance Cheetham
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of International Security Studies
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws