On this page you will find the relevant forms for enrolment change, program leave, applying for credit and more. 



Enrolment changeUse this form if you cannot for any reason enrol in a course. If you require a permission code, please submit a permission code request, rather than an enrolment change.
Permission code requestIf you need a permission code to enrol in a course, please use this form.
Late withdrawal (ISIS form)For students who were unable to drop their enrolment before census date, due to unforeseen circumstances.
Assessment extension requestApplication for extension of time to submit an assessment task in a CASS course. Do not use this assessment extension request for Honours theses. Use this link (as described below) instead.
Special consideration (ISIS form)

Use this form to request an examiner to take extenuating circumstances into consideration during the marking of an assessment item.


If you require an extension to the due date of your assessment, do not submit a special consideration form. Use this link to apply for an extension of the due date for an assessment task.


Students who are unable to sit an examination owing to extenuating circumstances should see deferred examinations.

Deferred examination (ISIS form)

Use this form if owing to extenuating circumstances you are unable to attend an exam at the scheduled time. A deferred examination is the sitting of an examination at a time other than the scheduled time/date.


Wherever possible a student should sit their examination at the prescribed time, and if necessary apply for special assessment consideration for the marking of the examination (see above).

Intended majors, minors and specialisation registration (ISIS form)If your program requires a choice of major, minor or specialisation, you can register your intended selection on ISIS -> Academic Records -> Majors, Minors & Specialisations before the Census Date of the semester (31 March  - semester 1 or 31 August - semester 2).

Program leave (ISIS form)


For International students, Honours students, postgraduate coursework students who are undertaking the supervised thesis component of their Master (Advanced) degree, and students enrolled in Medicinae ac Chirurgiae Doctoranda, wishing to apply for leave from their program.

Change enrolment - add/drop coursework (ISIS form)

  • Reduced Study Load
  • Add Courses - overload
  • Add Courses - 3rd attempt only
  • Reduced study load:For international students who wish to reduce their study load below the required 100%.
  • Overloading:For students wishing to increase their study load above 100%.
  • Third Attempt Course Enrolment:For students wishing to enrol in a course that they will be attempting for the third time. All other courses should be added through ISIS before census date. If you are unable to add a course on ISIS for another reason, you should contact your College to request a permission code. You are strongly encouraged to seek academic advice before you apply for a third attempt.
Program withdrawal/voluntary discontinuation (ISIS form)For students wanting TO COMPLETELY WITHDRAW FROM THEIR PROGRAM.
Course substitution (for CASS students)[Intranet login required, then follow link at left] Students needing to submit a course substitution must complete this application form. Please refer to the CASS Course substitution Guidelines.
Drop-in feedbackUse this form to rate your visit for a drop-in session.
Progress Check RequestIf you would like us to confirm your eligibility for graduation or if you wish to confirm your study plan will meet your degree requirements,  we recommend that you complete a 'Progress Check Request' and we will provide you with feedback on your study plan.



Credit is the recognition, towards completion of the program, of:
a) a course, or other relevant graduate or undergraduate studies, undertaken at the University or another university or tertiary education institution otherwise than as part of the program; or
b) clinical or professional experience.

Credit can be received from:

  • External credit

  • Internal credit

  • Exchange

  • Study Abroad

  • Cross institutional study

External creditUse this form if you have studied elsewhere before you started your degree at ANU and wish to apply for credit from your previous study.
Internal creditIf you are a current ANU student and you have transferred between degrees, please complete a program plan and email it through to students.cass@anu.edu.au for credit to be processed.
ExchangeOnce you know the courses you are taking overseas please follow the instructions to submit your Exchange Course Approval Packs to the CASS for approval before you leave.
Cross institutional studiesUse this form to apply for study at another university within Australia. You will also need to submit with your application course outlines, a program plan showing how your proposed courses fit in your degree and a paragraph outlining your reasons for wanting to do cross institutional study. Please refer to the CASS Credit Guidelines.
Remote LearningUse this form to apply for self-sourced, study remotely at an overseas university. Note that this is not study abroad, but it is where students study online. Please refer to the CASS Credit Guidelines.
Study abroadUse this form to apply for self-sourced study overseas that you wish to count toward your CASS program. Please refer to the CASS Credit Guidelines.


Honours, Master, and Master (Advanced) degrees

Flexible Double Master - AcceptanceAccept your offer to the CASS Flexible Double Master program (FDD) and nominate your TWO chosen degrees Confirm your Supervisor arrangements for honours applications, program leave applications or thesis course enrollment with this form. You may also need to submit a revised form if you require a particularly long thesis submission date extension.
Thesis Supervisor confirmationConfirm your Supervisor arrangements for honours applications, program leave applications or thesis course enrollment with this form. You may also need to submit a revised form if you require a particularly long thesis submission date extension.
Thesis extension requestApplication for extension of time to submit a CASS Honours or Master (Advanced) thesis. You may also need to submit a revised Thesis Supervisor confirmation from if you require a particularly long extension.
Part time Honours

If you have already started Honours in CASS and want to change from full time to part time study, please fill in this application form. Please note that part-time Honours can only be taken as 12 units per semester. Students are required to complete their program within two years of commencing.


If you are applying to do Honours in the future and wish to do it part-time, there is a specific question on the Honours application form/thesis supervisor confirmation form. Your request will be factored into the application process.

Honours scholarship application Apply for the CASS Honours Scholarship through this link.
CASS Indigenous Australian Graduate Scholarship applicationApply for the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences Indigenous Australian Graduate Scholarship through this link.
