Contemporary Society (Criminology, Demography, Social Research, Sociology)

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What motivates people to behave the way they do? The systematic study of contemporary social life and culture helps us to better understand the causes and consequences of human behaviour as situated within their societal context. Contemporary Society explores socio‑cultural differences and similarities in a globalised world to discover how human interaction with organisations, economies, technologies, the built environment, media and religion influence our daily lives. At ANU, this encompasses Demography, Criminology, Social Research, and Sociology. Students are able to learn about these fields from renowned scholars and industry professionals, many of whom cross these two realms in their daily practice.

Demography analyses the underlying structure of populations and how they change throughout time and space. Criminology focuses on crime, deviancy, policing and punishment, including definitions and representations of crime, addictive behaviours, victimisation, policing, the criminal justice system, transnational crime and restorative justice. Social Research explores a range of research methodologies and techniques which inform current debates in international relations, political science, sociology and criminology. Sociology analyses the processes that structure and transform social relations and how these are expressed at both the macro and micro level. It explores how identities and societies are formed by virtue of activity occurring in different social contexts.

Check the Centre for Social Research & Methods website for more information on the faculty, research, projects, latest news, upcoming events and more.

Check the School of Demography website for more information on the faculty, research, projects, latest news, upcoming events and more.

Check the School of Sociology website for more information on the faculty, research, projects, latest news, upcoming events and more.

*QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024

^Times Higher Education - Global University Employability Ranking 2023-24

Key facts

1 in Australia & 19 for Sociology in World* and
1 in Australia & 14 for Social Policy in World*

#1 in Australia for graduate employability^

Degree programs

Bachelor of Arts

Key facts

3 in Australia
38 for Arts and Humanities in World*

3 year full-time
Semester 1 & 2 intake

#1 in Australia for graduate employability^

UAC Code: 131003
CRICOS Code: 074016B
Bachelor of Criminology

Key facts

3 years
Semester 1 & 2 intake

#1 in Australia for graduate employability^

UAC Code: 131150
CRICOS Code: 078937F
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics

Key facts

1 in Australia
9 for Philosophy, 8 for Politics in World* and
1 in Australia
35 for Economics in World*

3 years
Semester 1 & 2 intake

#1 in Australia for graduate employability^

UAC Code: 131161
CRICOS Code: 076183D
Graduate Certificate of Demography

Key facts

0.5 Year FT
Semester 1 intake

#1 in Australia for graduate employability^

UAC Code: 830019
CRICOS Code: 108301A
Graduate Certificate of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies

Key facts

0.5 Year FT or 1 Year PT
Semester 1 & 2 intake

#1 in Australia for graduate employability^

UAC Code: 830070
CRICOS Code: 107758J
Graduate Certificate of Social Research

Key facts

1 Year PT
Semester 1 & 2 intake

#1 in Australia for graduate employability^

UAC Code: 830016
Graduate Certificate of Studies

Key facts

0.5 Year FT or 3 Years PT
Semester 1 & 2 intake

#1 in Australia for graduate employability^

UAC Code: 830584
CRICOS Code: 082261M
Master of Applied Criminology

Key facts

1 year full-time or 2 years part-time
Semester 1 & 2 intake

#1 in Australia for graduate employability^

CRICOS Code: 117471H
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science

Key facts

1 in Australia
8 for Archaeology in World*

2 years full-time
Semester 1 & 2 intake

#1 in Australia for graduate employability^

UAC Code: 830009
CRICOS Code: 096399M
Master of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies

Key facts

1.5 years full-time
Semester 1 & 2 intake

#1 in Australia for graduate employability^

UAC Code: 830066
CRICOS Code: 108330G
Master of Social Research Methods

Key facts

1 year full-time
Semester 1 & 2 intake

#1 in Australia for graduate employability^

UAC Code: 830012
CRICOS Code: 108327B
PhD & MPhil

Key facts

2-4 Year FT or 4-8 Year PT
Semester 1 & 2 intake

#1 in Australia for graduate employability^

Hear from our students

I was looking for a Masters program which combines theory and practice in development. I found that MAAPD is a whole package program. It has a strong theory background such as gender development as well as solid technical skill practice, including participatory method and gender analysis.
Gena Lysistrata , Master of Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development (Advanced)

My brilliant career

Every lecture was thought-provoking and they let us form about our own opinion and thoughts. I got especially interested in gender in our society, leading to pursue my study in this area here in Japan. I am now studying gender inequality in Japanese society, and I wish to do Ph.D. program outside of Japan in the near future.
Noriko , Bachelor of Arts (Sociology)

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View discipline flyers

Bachelor of Arts
 Bachelor of Arts flyer
(PDF, 3.99 MB )
Bachelor of Criminology
Bachelor of Criminology flyer
(PDF, 746.55 KB )
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy & Economics
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy & Economics flyer
(PDF, 173.2 KB )
Criminology (major/minor)
Criminology discipline flyer
(PDF, 805.79 KB )
Demography (major/minor)
Demography discipline flyer
(PDF, 3.58 MB )
Geography (major/minor)
Geography discipline flyer
(PDF, 7.97 MB )
Graduate Certificate of Demography
Graduate Certificate of Demography flyer
(PDF, 2.17 MB )
Graduate Certificate of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies
(PDF, 3.05 MB )
Graduate Certificate of Social Research
Graduate Certificate of Social Research flyer
(PDF, 2.42 MB )
Graduate Certificate of Studies
Graduate Certificate of Studies flyer
(PDF, 5.06 MB )
Master of Applied Criminology
(PDF, 509.91 KB )
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science flyer
(PDF, 3.21 MB )
Master of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies
Master of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies flyer
(PDF, 2.92 MB )
Master of Social Research Methods
Master of Social Research Methods flyer
(PDF, 3.03 MB )
Sociology (major/minor)
Sociology discipline flyer
(PDF, 1.07 MB )

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