Extensions and deferred exams
Extensions and deferred exams title

Coursework students
Should I apply for a deadline extension or a deferred exam?
These are tasks where you are given a more than one day to complete a piece of assessment work, and you choose when you will work on it within that time. There are often late penalties associated with submission of an assessment after the deadline has passed.
If you have more than one day to complete your work, you may be eligible to apply for an Assessment Deadline Extension.
- A "take-home" essay question (where you are provided with the topic(s) and are given X number of days to submit your essay).
- A wattle quiz (where you can choose when to commence and complete the quiz during a set period of X number of days).
- A presentation (where you are given X number of days to prepare and a deadline for when you will give your presentation).
These are tasks where you are expected to complete the work in a single sitting at a set time, typically all students complete the same course. Attendance is recorded, and if you miss the assessment you will be given a zero/non-attendance grade. During main teaching periods these are typically scheduled during the advertised examination periods, including mid-semester tests and final examinations.
If you have a single opportunity to complete an assessment and are expected to undertake this work at a specific time, you may be eligible to apply for a Deferred Examination.
- A "take-home" essay question (where you are provided with the topic(s) and are given X number of hours to submit your essay).
- A wattle quiz (where you are expected to commence and complete the quiz at a specific time, on a specific day).
- An in-person or online invigilated examination.
How do I apply for a deadline extension?
There are two different pathways to apply for an extension to an assessment deadline at ANU. It is very important you use the correct form, so you don't lose additional time waiting for a response.
Is your assessment worth at least 20% of the overall grade?
- No
- Yes
- Do you require an extension of 10 or more working days?
- No
- Yes
- Please use the Extenuating Circumstances Application
- It's important to include the length of time you are requesting in your statement.
- Do you require an extension of 10 or more working days?
Deferred Examinations
All deferred examination requests must be submitted via the Extenuating Circumstances Application
However, if your examination is worth less than 20% of the overall grade, please contact your convenor directly via email to discuss possible options.
Honours and Master (Advanced) thesis extension
If you have been affected by circumstances beyond your control and are unable to submit your Honours or Master’s (Advanced) thesis by the due date, you may be eligible to apply for an extension. Please apply using the CASS thesis extension form.
Circumstances beyond your control may include:
- Medical reasons. Minor bouts of illness (e.g. colds, minor flu) will only be considered grounds for an extension if they occurred in the final eight weeks before the due date.
- Family / personal reasons. E.g. illness or death of a family member or close friend, or the need to assume significant caring responsibilities during the period of enrolment.
- Unforeseen difficulties beyond your control when carrying out the work E.g. as a result of delayed laboratory data analysis or abnormally restricted studio access.
- A significant unforeseen escalation in your paid work hours.
If you are unsure if your reason is suitable, please contact either your supervisor, convener, or the CASS Student Office.
Please lodge a thesis extension application as early as possible before the thesis due date. Applications lodged after the due date will be considered only in exceptional circumstances.
Before lodging an application:
- Discuss your need for an extension with your Supervisor and/or Honours or Master’s (Advanced) Program Convenor.
- Gather your existing relevant supporting documentation, e.g. medical certificates. If you are waiting to receive these documents, please submit an application first and you can supply the documents to us later.
- Write a brief timeline of events leading up to your request for an extension. This is the easiest way to provide evidence of how many extra weeks you are requesting, given your circumstances, together with supporting documentation.
If your application is successful, you will be sent an extension approval email from the CASS Student Office with the new thesis submission date. When you submit your thesis, include a copy of the extension approval letter at the front of your thesis.
Please be aware that a thesis extension may result in you not being able to graduate until the following semester’s graduation ceremony.
Masters (Advanced) students enrolled prior to 2018 only
Four weeks extension
- If you enrolled in your program prior to 2018, you may apply for an extension of up to four weeks. You should email the Program Convenor (with a copy to your Supervisor) to request the extension. The extension will be automatically granted if you acknowledge and agree that the thesis may not be completed, and a result finalised, in time for you to graduate at the July ceremony (for students submitting mid-year) or the December ceremony (for students submitting end of year).
More than four weeks extension
- If you require an extension to submit your thesis or equivalent work longer than the automatic four weeks, you must submit a formal application through this form. This application will be granted only under exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the delegated authority.
HDR program extension
If you are a PhD or MPhil student and wish to apply for more time to complete your research program, please follow the advice on the Extension of research program page.
If you are currently enrolled in your program, and are within three months of your program end date, an extension of program eform should be available to you in the Manage My Degree eForm, via ISIS. If you have gone beyond your program end date and your supervisor is supportive of you applying for an extension, please contact the CASS Student office at research.students.cass@anu.edu.au to access a copy of the PDF version of the extension application form.