Exchange & study abroad opportunities
Exchange & study abroad opportunities title

ANU Global Programs exchange
Exchange is exactly that – a student at the ANU is selected to go to a partner institution and someone at that institution come here in their place. Students are enrolled at the ANU but attend classes at their selected partner institution. It is usually for six months, but that be extended to a year (subject to approval and availability).
Where can I go on exchange?
A list of partner institutions for the ANU can be found here, but there are discipline specific partners for CASS for students who are seeking credit for specific majors, minors or program lists. You can find that list here.
What is the process to go on exchange?
Details on how to apply for exchange, including the process, deadlines and funding opportunities can be found on the Global Programs and Engagement site.
How does an exchange fit in my program?
Typically students must go for a standard full time load (24 units). There are some cases where a student can go on an 18 unit exchange, but there would have to be a good reason. Talk about this with a CASS Student Advisor if you are thinking of applying for a a reduced load on exchange.
If you are in a flexible double degree, you have a choice as to how your exchange is made up (dependent on approval from your other college). Let us know how you wish to approach this. You may elect to undertake:
- Arts only exchange: This means that your courses are only going to count for your CASS program. You would be enrolled in 24 units of ARTS5920
- A combined exchange: This means that you do part of your exchange for Arts credit, and the other part will be credit for your other degree component. For example, if you were in a BA with another degree you may elect to do 6 units for the BA, and 18 units for the other degree. Your enrolment in the shell course will reflect this split.
- A non-arts exchange: You may do your exchange for the non-Arts component only. If this is the case, we do not need to approve your courses. If you do elect to do this, and you decide to change and do Arts courses overseas and want them to count to your Arts component, you will need to contact us as soon as possible so we can change your enrolment, and then start the course approval process.
It is far easier to go on an exchange for general elective credit. However, students may choose to apply for credit gained on exchange for majors, minors and program list courses. This can make things a little more difficult and will require the student to negotiate courses with their Convenors according to the specific major, minor or program list.
More information can be found here.
What is a RAID form and how do I get it approved?
Your "Room Available In Degree" (RAID) form is how you confirm to Global Programs that you have the space needed in your degree to go on exchange. You would fill out the form using the online process through the Terradotta site, and it will then be assessed by the College. Information can be found here.
How do I get approval for the courses I want to do on exchange?
At the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences we appreciate that the approval process for exchange can be a long one. We have developed a streamlined application form that eliminates the need for you to contact individual convenors and instead we provide a one stop shop when applying for exchange course approvals. The form we have developed will guide you step by step and provides you with useful examples throughout. The form provides information on:
- Credit categories
- Credit equivalencies
- Required documentation
- All available exchange partners and credit equivalencies (preloaded in this form for you to select from)
- A step by step ‘how to’ complete the form
The exchange course approval form may be found here.
More information can be found here.
What do I do if I can't find the course outlines in time?
Have you written to the Department/Convenor of the course you want to do overseas? Sometimes the latest outlines are not available online yet, but the Department/Convenor can supply them.
If it will not be available until after the ECAP deadline, please get a statement from the Exchange University advising when outlines will be available.
Please include this statement with your ECAP by the deadline.
The courses I was approved to do have changed and I am already overseas, what do I do?
Email us at with the new course/s outlines with a study plan to show where you would like them placed within your degree, and we will help streamline the approval process for you.
Why don’t my grades from my exchange courses show on my ANU transcript?
Study completed on exchange is listed on your transcript as "External Credit", with a grade of STE which is not factored into GPA calculations. We recommend that you retain a copy of your transcript from the host institution, if you will require evidence of your specific grades in future.
I am about to finish up overseas– what should I do?
On completion of your exchange, please ensure that all academic and administrative matters at your host institution are finalised, particularly unpaid fees or fines, which may cause your results to be withheld. The ANU Global Programs team is normally sent an official copy of your transcript, and they will provide the transcript to CASS for loading your credit, but you should get your own copy.
I am back at ANU, what now?
Upon your return to the ANU, you will be responsible for re-enrolment via ISIS. Check the University Calendar for the appropriate dates for re-enrolment for the semester of your return to the ANU. If you require any course advice, please do not hesitate to contact us. If in doubt you can always get in touch with a CASS Student Advisor to discuss your options and make sure you're on track with your study.
Helpful tips
- Study abroad applicants are responsible for enrolling themselves at the Host Institution once courses are approved
- If the courses you are studying elsewhere will complete your ANU program requirements (ie, you'll be graduating), you should indicate this on the online application form when applying
- Ensure that you are aware of the enrolment and procedural deadlines of the Host Institution you plan to study at. Allow plenty of time to meet all deadlines
- ANU domestic cross-institutional students are normally subject to the same statutes, regulations and rules of the Host Institution as apply to students enrolled in an award program at the Host Institution. These statutes, regulations and rules relate to admission, attendance at classes, Census Date, performance or work, discipline, conduct and progress and are to be found in the publications of the Host Institution
- If you enrol at ANU, but subsequently decide not to proceed with the ANU enrolment but to study elsewhere on a domestic cross-institutional basis, you must ensure that your ANU enrolment is cancelled. Failure to do so may result in an additional HECS/Fee liability and failure in the courses
- ANU domestic cross-institutional students will be charged fees for the courses undertaken at the Host Institution on the basis of their fee paying type at the ANU, unless designated otherwise by the Host Institution. HECS liable students are required to complete a HECS/Fee Help request (eCAF) form at the Host Institution and will be required to provide written evidence of their status at their Home Institution. For advice on the fees payable, consult the fees office at the Host Institution