Past events
2015 Jack Smart Public Lecture
How to gain (and lose) authority with words Good speech is better, and bad speech is worse, when it has authority. But where does the authority come from? In part from the acts and omissions of other speakers and hearers, following rules of accommodation – a routine process of…
CASS Orientation Day Semester 2, 2015
Student advisory session
Studying an Arts degree? Come along to the College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS) Orientation Day to discover your study options across the disciplines of arts, humanities, social sciences, and languages. Program Plenary sessions – Manning-Clarke Centre, Theatre 1 10.00-10.30…
Ethnic population projections for the UK and local areas, 2011-2101: A second chance to get them right
This paper outlines a model for projecting the ethnic group populations of local authorities in the United Kingdom (UK). The NewETHPOP projection model includes twelve ethnic groups, harmonised between the 2001 and 2011 censuses in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. A native/foreign…
New Zealand Guitar Quartet
“nothing less than extraordinary” ~ Motueka Music Society “technical brilliance and emotional depth” ~ Christchurch Arts Festival “sublime musical entertainment” ~ Whangarei Music Society “scintillating” ~ Rotorua Music Society The Australian National University School of Music presents the New…
‘A secret house’: Waugh’s private library
One of the twentieth century’s most strident satirists, Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966) was also a determined book collector, amassing over 3,500 volumes in his ‘mania’ for collection. His collection reflects a lifelong bibliophilia which extended to all aspects of the book trade: typesetting, bindings,…
BeLonging: embodied commentaries inspired by place
BeLonging: embodied commentaries inspired by place is an exhibition of works by over 150 members of The Australian Ceramics Association. It showcases the creativity and diversity of contemporary Australian ceramic practice. It also aims to harness clay as a repository of personal stories, as a…
Fugitive texts: replication, attribution and bibliography in the digitised archive
Beginning from the porous textual boundaries (of transmission, genre, and authorship) uncovered in nineteenth-century American newspapers by the Viral Texts project (, this paper will consider the challenges such historical media pose to literary-historical analysis and…