Reshaping glass

Buy it. Break it. Bin it. The life story of a glass object in six words. At this workshop you will revive damaged objects made from glass using hand tools and studio equipment in the glass workshop in the School of Art at ANU. Techniques include cutting and slicing, applying textures and effects, gluing with optically refractive epoxy glues and hand finishing techniques. Come along and learn new ways to take control of your damaged goods and help steward this brilliant material into old age.
Only 8 places available. Bookings are essential.
All Fix and Make program attendees get 15% off their stay at Hotel Hotel. Book via using the booking code HHFIXANDMAKE. Fine print - subject to availability and not available on Saturday or parliamentary sitting dates.
Whiteley became an apprentice in stained glass at the age of sixteen; he holds degrees from ANU, School of Art (BA Glass) and from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (MFA, Sculpture). Whiteley's works are held in major museums and private collections worldwide, including the Australian National Gallery and the Corning Museum of Glass, Corning NY. He has received many research grants including a major glass-recycling project with a Sydney based company, Refire Glass. He is currently the Head of the Glass Workshop and Convenor of Craft & Design Workshops at the School of Art, ANU.