Past events
“Development means eye-red”: Communicating feelings in Glocalised Ghanaian English
An outcome of the spread of English around the world is its adoption by others for communicating local attitudes and values, ways of thinking and feeling. Some of the linguistic forms used in expressing feelings in Ghanaian English are not easily understood by speakers of other Englishes. Dr Ameka…
Using the Web to examine the evolution of the abortion debate in Australia 2006-2014
In this research we use hyperlink network and website text content for around 200 pro-choice and pro-life organisations to examine the evolution in the abortion debate in Australia between 2006 and 2014. The hyperlink network data allows us to assess the extent to which pro-choice and pro-life…
Suddenness: on the speed of poetic
My paper offers some preliminary conclusions from a three year ARC funded discovery project on the topic of poetic judgement. The project involved in‐depth interviews with 80 celebrated Anglophone poets from a range of countries north and south. In the paper I reflect on responses to a question…
Lunchbox: the band of the Royal Military College
A wonderful way to spend your lunchtime break, don’t miss our FREE Lunchbox performances in Semester Two! Thursday, 13 August features a spectacular performance by the RMC Band. Don't forget Biginelli's cafe are offering a $5 cake and coffee deal to all who attend these free concerts! The Band of…
A striking resemblance: Portraiture in Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice'
In this lecture, Will Christie looks at the role played by the portrait, and by the aesthetics and language of portraiture, in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. He examines how Austen exploited the uncertain status of portrait painting in the 18th century and the ambiguity of ‘ideal imitation’ as…
In the middle of nowhere | Hannah Israel
Reception: 13 August 2015 6:00pm Hannah Israel maps the relationship of our existence by illustrating how fragile time can be and how predictable our experiences can be based on the temperament of the world around us. In her new series, Israel reflects on information as a form of abstraction.…
Australian Premiere of “MUJERES ARGENTINAS” Music: Ariel Ramirez – Lyrics: Felix Luna Marcela Fiorillo, Piano – Louise Page, Soprano Tickets: General $35, Cc $30 Courtesy of Argentine Embassy Pianist Marcela Fiorillo - Canberra Times award for the “top ten concerts” – 2007. “ Canberra…