Our research

SOAR - speak out against racism

The SOAR project is a collaborative study on racism and racial bullying in Australian schools. We are interested in finding out what Year 5-9 students in NSW and Victorian schools and their teachers think about racism, racial bullying, standing up for others, health and wellbeing and school…

Speech and Language Laboratory

Speech and Language Laboratory

The Speech and Language Lab is a joint initiative between the School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics (College of Arts & Social Sciences) and the School of Culture, History and Language (College of Asia & the Pacific). The lab is a cross-linguistic research group, specifically…

Talking About Stones

Talking About Stones

Researchers at The Australian National University (ANU) are encouraging farmers in in the Riverina district of NSW to discuss the difficult issue of what to do with Aboriginal stone tools they might have found on their farms. Lead researcher Dr Robyn McKenzie said her team will be holding a series…

Targeting interventions for problem gambling in the ACT

The ACT Gambling Prevalence Survey is a telephone survey run every 5 years to assist the ACT Gambling and Racing Commission’s monitoring of the social and economic impacts of gambling in the ACT. The purpose of gambling prevalence surveys in the ACT is: (1) to update information about gambling and…

The Australian Election Study

The Australian Election Studies aim to provide a long-term perspective on stability and change in the political attitudes and behaviour of the Australian electorate. The surveys investigate the changing social and attitudinal bases of Australian politics as the society changes. In addition to…

The demographic consequences of migration to, from and within Australia

Prof James Raymer is the First Named Chief Investigator and works on this project with Tom Wilson from The University of Queensland This study is about understanding the specific contributions made by both international migration and internal (domestic) migration to long-term demographic change.…