Our research

Lactation After Infant Death

Lactation After Infant Death

Breastfeeding and human milk banking has attracted a lot of research and public health attention over recent years. However, a mother’s lactation when no living infant is present in her life is often overlooked. Every year in Australia, almost 3500 women will experience lactation after infant death…

Population Dynamics and Migration

Populations are shaped by the interaction of the ever-changing processes of birth, death and migration. Demographic transition to low fertility and low mortality in industrialised populations is accompanied by population ageing. Migration may be viewed as a response to inequalities in ageing and…

Primatology Research Group

The Primatology Research Group conducts behavioural studies on wild and captive primates to answer fundamental questions about how animals adapt to environmental change. This is done by applying theories of evolutionary biology and socioecology to explore what drives behavioural and…

Reading at the Interface

Reading at the Interface

This project is funded by an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship, from 2018 to 2022. Literary scholars are challenged to explain the value of reading, researching and teaching literature, particularly in institutional and policy contexts where vocational skills and economic outcomes are…

Rediscovering the Deep Human Past

Rediscovering the Deep Human Past

Professor Ann McGrath’s Kathleen Fitzpatrick Laureate Program aims to develop a deeper understanding of Australia’s pre-1788 history. This project aims to transform the scale and scope of history. Australia’s epic Indigenous narratives will be analysed alongside relevant new scientific evidence, to…

Skeletal Biology and Forensic Anthropology Research Group

The Skeletal Biology and Forensic Anthropology Research Group conducts research in three main biological anthropology research areas: bioarchaeology, forensic anthropology, and biology of the human skeleton. Our research in bioarchaeology is primarily focused on Southeast-Asian and…

Skullbook - Digital Bone Library

Skullbook - Digital Bone Library

Skullbook is a collaborative project between the School of Archaeology and Anthropology and the Centre for Digital Humanities Research at ANU.The project is funded by a Teaching Enhancement Grant. It will produce digital and 3Dprinted ‘bone libraries’ to support …