SOAR - speak out against racism

The SOAR project is a collaborative study on racism and racial bullying in Australian schools. We are interested in finding out what Year 5-9 students in NSW and Victorian schools and their teachers think about racism, racial bullying, standing up for others, health and wellbeing and school connectedness. A random selection of state primary and secondary schools have been invited to participate.

The main focus of the project is to find out what makes bystanders speak out when they see racism and racial bullying occur in the classroom or playground, or even on the way to and from school. We will engage students, teachers and school executive in the study to gain a holistic understanding of racism in Australian schools. SOAR researchers are developing a program to encourage students and teachers to act when they witness racism, which will be piloted with Year 5 students in a small number of schools in NSW and Victoria. By surveying students and their teachers before and after and evaluating the pilot program, SOAR Project aims to improve our knowledge of bystander responses to racism and racial bullying in school settings.

For more information visit the project page.