Past events
School of Demography launch
Please join us in celebrating the launch of the School of Demography in the Research School of Social Sciences at the Australian National University (ANU). The School has been created to strengthen the University's role in being the leading demographic centre for research and training in Australia…
Dilemmas of Socio-Political Transformations in the Middle East
The capacity to analyze and explain (in exchanges with fellow scholars and students, with policy makers and media personnel, with area specialists and socials scientists) the transformations occurring in the societies and polities of the Middle East depends on the quality of data collection but…
Colombian Film Festival - El Viaje Del Acordeón / The Accordion’s Voyage
The Australian National Centre for Latin American Studies and the Embassy of Colombia present the second film of the Colombian Film Festival: El Viaje Del Acordeón / The Accordion’s Voyage GENRE / GÉNERO Feature Documentary / Largometraje Documental (79 mins, 2013) DIRECTORS Rey Sagbini (…
Reshaping glass
Workshop & workshop
Buy it. Break it. Bin it. The life story of a glass object in six words. At this workshop you will revive damaged objects made from glass using hand tools and studio equipment in the glass workshop in the School of Art at ANU. Techniques include cutting and slicing, applying textures and…
Elite development theory: a labour-centred critique
The lecture is followed by refreshments. Free and open to the public, no RSVP required. The objective of Development Studies, theory and practice is to uplift and empower the world’s poor. Much development theory, however, is based upon elite-led conceptions of social change. Whilst…
Colombian Film Festival - Sofia y El Terco / Sophia and the Stubborn
The Australian National Centre for Latin American Studies and the Embassy of Colombia present the first film of the Colombian Film Festival: Sofia Y El Terco / Sophia and the Stubborn GENRE / GÉNERO Drama - Comedy /Comedia dramática (80 mins, 2012) DIRECTOR Andrés Burgos Vallejo (Colombian) CAST “…
Day of the Dead 2015 - fiesta!
Australian National Centre for Latin American Studies presents: Day of The Dead Afro-Latin Festival - a two-day celebration of the culture that unites Latin America & Africa Saturday will be an all ages fiesta from the early afternoon well into the night that will be focused on the dance and…