ANU/The Canberra Times meet the author event with Tara Moss

Tara Moss will be in conversation with Amanda Whitley on Tara's new book SPEAKING OUT: A 21st Century Handbook for Women & Girls.

Worldwide, less than one out of every four people we hear from or about in the media is female. In Australia, men outnumber women in parliament by four to one and women are even more under-represented in leadership roles and in peace negotiations.

If women and girls remain voiceless, half of humanity's experiences, perspectives and possible solutions to world problems go unheard. This is a guide for women young and old that not only helps them find their voice, but argues passionately for why it matters.

Tara Moss, a dual Canadian/Australian citizen, is the bestselling author of eleven books of fiction and non-fiction published in nineteen countries, a journalist, doctoral candidate, and outspoken advocate for children and women's rights. She is UNICEF Australia's National Ambassador for Child Survival. In 2015 Tara received an Edna Ryan award for making a feminist difference, inciting others to challenge the status quo. 

Amanda Whitley, Canberra's own media tycoon, is the editor and creator of HerCanberra news website and now magazine editor of HerCanberra magazine. In 2016 she won the ACT Woman of the Year.

Please register via the Eventbrite link

Date and Times


Theatre 1, Manning Clark Centre, Building 26A, University Avenue, ANU

