Past events
Exploring the relationships between interpersonal misconduct within organisations and peoples’ understanding of their experiences.
Ruth is currently employed by the Department of Defence in the Directorate of Strategic Intelligence and Research. Among other things, this Directorate is tasked with administering the Unacceptable Behaviour Survey to Defence personnel. It is her experience with this project that launched her…
How you can change the world
Advisory session
At ANU you will be empowered to achieve your best and be equipped with tools to excel, but what will you do with those tools to make a difference in the world? Three leading young social entrepreneurs are returning to campus to participate in a panel discussion to speak…
CASS Inaugural Professorial Lecture Series - Professor Christian Barry
The College is beginning a tradition of celebrating and welcoming incoming Professorial appointments and our staff appointed to Level E with a Lecture series focussed on the work of recent level E appointments. The first CASS Inaugural Professorial Lecture celebrated Christian Barry of the…
International Conference on Afghan Migration: Researching Aspirations, Movements, Demography & Integration
This conference brings together researchers working on Afghan migration, with a particular emphasis on empirical research and policy implications. The conference seeks to place Afghan migration to Europe and Australia within a broader global context by drawing on recent research on Afghan…
The art of Bharatanatyam: Classical Indian Dance, a brief introduction and public performance
The School of Archaeology and Anthropology is delighted to present 'The art of Bharatanatyam, the history and current practice', a Lecture and Demonstration for students. Aranyani Bhagarav began to train in Bharatanatyam at a very young age under Leela Samson, one of India's most celebrated…
2016 Hispanic Film Festival Presents 'SPOT'
In 'SPOT', Daniel (Daniel Levitt), is a young American actor who is hopelessly in love and hopelessly manipulated by his girlfriend Natalia (a captivating Natalia Miranda). Their break-up pushes Daniel to the edge, and he performs the unthinkable with a bottle of Vanish stain remover in a youtube…
The art of Bharatanatyam
Presented by the School of Archaeology and Anthropology Aranyani Bhargav’s distinctive approach to Bharatanatyam—giving equal importance to the traditional and modern, the human and divine, the religious and secular—led her to explore other dance forms like ballet and contemporary…