In the media

Academic staff and research scholars constantly provide media commentaries.The following interviews and media pieces have been published in recent months:

Future generations benefit from ANU lead Indigenous Atlas project, mix106.3, 18 Sep 2019.

New edition of Indigenous Atlas of Australia launches at ANU, Win TV , 17 Sep 2019.

John Warhurst speaks to 2CC about the week's issues including arguments of Chinese political influence, 2CC, 16 Sep 2019.

Senior Fellow Mark Kenny interviewed on ABC News Sydney about Liberal MP Gladys Liu , ABC News, 12 Sep 2019.

Senior Fellow Mark Kenny talks about the perceptions and reality of Australia's political system, ABC Radio Canberra, 05 Sep 2019.

Mark Kenny joins a weekly discussion of the week in politics on ABC News, ABC News, 05 Sep 2019.

Nicholas Biddle speaks to ABC Radio Sydney about new ANUpoll results, ABC Radio Sydney, 03 Sep 2019.

New ANUpoll insights may help pollsters understand why their results are not translating into the actual outcomes, ABC News, 03 Sep 2019.

Prof. Nicholas Biddle reveals new insights into the 2019 Federal Election with results of ANUpoll released, Win News , 03 Sep 2019.

New ANU researcher reveals voters in the 2019 Federal Election had views on population growth, and a minority of voters explain why pre-election polling failed, 2SM, 03 Sep 2019.

CSRM's Associate Professor Nicholas Biddle discusses ANUpoll results covering 2019 Federal Election, ABC Radio Sydney, 03 Sep 2019.

CSRM's Associate Professor Nicholas Biddle discusses ANUpoll results showing that a quarter of voters indicate a different intention to how they voted, ABC News, 03 Sep 2019.

Don Dunstan: The visionary politician who changed Australia, Good Reading, 01 Sep 2019.

Senior Fellow Mark Kenny joins Insiders to talk about the week in politics, ABC TV, 01 Sep 2019.