Past events
Book Launch: Centre for Classical Studies, School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics
Book launch
Launch by SLLL Head, Professor Catherine Travis, of four publications by ANU Classicists 2013-2014: Drs Paul Burton, Christina Clarke, Greta Hawes & Ioannis Ziogas. Refreshments will be served.
Persian language online - obstacles and opportunities
Digital learning, whether online, offline, or a blend, has become a major debate for universities worldwide and challenged the traditional model of university instruction.
Art Forum: Victor Stamp
The massive presence of digital processes has, in the last twenty years, converted the entire history of analogue photography into a theme park of "alternative" techniques displaced by the pervasiveness of the virtual image.
Winter Jazz Week - ANU School of Music
This unique festival event will bring together internationally and nationally acclaimed jazz virtuosos and educators with ANU School of Music students.
The electoral tango: The evolution of electoral integrity in electoral authoritarian regimes
Sarah Birch is Professor of Comparative Politics at the University of Glasgow.
Rhythm: A Random 9 Exhibition
Rhythm is a sound/dance/visual media installation/exhibition exploration of something we experience in our everyday lives by seventeen Canberra-based emerging artists from the Random9 art collective.
Body politics: Media, gender and leadership in Australia, Canada and New Zealand
Are women prime ministers stalked by "lipstick watch" - persistent media interest in their hair, clothing, personal grooming practices and sexual allure? If so, what does it mean?