PhD Scholarship form

The ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS) offers a variety of named PhD scholarships to support students while they undertake a PhD across our research disciplines.

Please use this webform to apply for CASS scholarships for which you would like to be considered. If there is a CASS scholarship that you would like to apply for, that is not included below, please contact CASS Student Office for information and advice.

CASS PhD scholarships are highly competitive –please ensure your scholarship application is complete before you submit your application. You will need to complete this form separately, for each scholarship application.

(Note: do not use this form to apply for an Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) Stipend Scholarship - no application is required for AGRTP scholarships and all eligible candidates will be considered.)

IMPORTANT: You must also separately apply to the University for admission to a PhD program. The College has two PhD programs, make sure you apply for the correct one:

If you are unsure which program to apply for, please contact the CASS Student Office.

1. Personal Details
Postal address
Contact details
Australian Indigenous Community
Community contact details

Please provide written confirmation from an Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander member of the  community/ies named above OR provide the name and contact details of an Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander member of the  community/ies named above who can be contacted on your behalf about this application.
Please note: this person should be an Indigenous person who is active within the Indigenous community and who can comment on your participation within, and aspirations for the Indigenous community. They cannot be a member of your immediate family.

One file only.
150 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, tif, pdf.
Contact details
2. Scholarship and Enrolment Details
Enrolment status

"Your scholarship application will not be assessed until you have completed an application for a program of study for the degree of doctor in the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences."

Scholarship details

This project aims to transform understandings of Australian literary history by using innovative digital methods to discover, curate and investigate tens of thousands of unrecorded novels, novellas and short stories in 20th-century Australian newspapers. Further information is avaialable at

Up to three joint prestigious PhD scholarships will be offered by flagship national institutions (Australian Parliamentary Library, National Film and Sound Archive, National Museum of Australia) in partnership with the Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies (CHMS) in the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences. More information is available at

If yes, please provide details of the scholarship(s):

Folio including academic, creative and professional track record.

One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, png, pdf.
3. Project Details

Please enter your proposed project title, as it appears in your ANU PhD application.

Please provide a short summary of your proposed PhD project and a brief statement outlining your reasons for applying for this scholarship  (max. 500 words; noting full project details will be in your PhD application)

Project Supervisor
4. Declaration
I certify or authorise or acknowledge that