Upcoming events

ANU Open Day: Explore Studying Bachelor of Arts – 29 March 2025

ANU Open Day: Explore Studying International Relations – 29 March 2025

ANU Open Day: Student & Alumni Panel - 29 March 2025
Gurindji Freedom Banners & Wave Hill / Jinparrak / Canberra Exchange
Gurindji Freedom BannersMumkurla-nginyi-ma parrngalinyparla - From the darkness into the light The banners retell the story of the historic Wave Hill Walk-off in 1966. The 10 iconic banners on display tell the Gurindji account of the ‘walk-off’, which was led by Vincent Jurlama Lingiari AM…
Recent Fertility Trends and Childbearing Patterns in Iran: The Impact of Marriage and Policy Incentives
In societies like Iran, where childbearing is confined to marriage, the proportion of individuals who marry, the timing of marriage, and birth intervals are key determinants of fertility. Iran's fertility decline has been shaped by a unique pattern of long interbirth intervals and the strong…
Do Sydney’s disease histories challenge pathogen avoidance theory?
For the past two decades there have been various theses and antitheses regarding the idea that the disgust reaction evolved to support pathogen avoidance. Pathogen avoidance theory maintains that human self-preservation is dependent on avoiding, sublimating or destroying microbes. At first glance,…
Art That Looks Like Art, Art That Looks Like Life
Perspectives on Activism in Brazil Through the Practice of Christus NóbregaThe relationship between art and life has been a central issue in the artistic field, challenging the boundaries between creation and everyday experience. When art is inserted into reality, it strains discourses, shifts…
Temporary: We wanted workers but we got people
Panel discussion
An exhibition and panel discussion by Kaya Barry, Matt Withers, Kirstie Petrou, Jeanette Tanghwa, Ema Moolchand. The exhibition brings together images and stories of temporary migration from the Pacific to Australia.Hosted by ABC Radio National's Natasha Mitchell, this public panel discussion will…
Remaking the self after cancer: pleasure, embodiment, creativity
Event co-hosted by the ANU School of Sociology and the ANU Gender Institute.A cancer diagnosis can affect all areas of identity, including physical, temporal, psychosocial, sexual and relational. Renegotiating one’s sense of self in the face of a cancer diagnosis requires navigating biomedical…
From Thesis to Published Book: An Aboriginal historian’s multi-generational family history research and what it revealed about the impact of colonisation on Aboriginal people
Shauna Bostock’s insatiable curiosity about her family history developed over time to become the focus of her academic research. She traced her four Aboriginal grandparents’ family lines to as far back as she could go in the written historic record, which was during the encroachment of white…