Congratulations to the 2009 'Istituto Italiano Di Cultura Premio Italia' Italian Prize winners

The second ranked prize winner, Susan Banks, with her artistic proposal of the Nobel prize winner Giulio NattaEach year students from the Italian Studies Program in the School of Language Studies and the School of Art are encouraged to reflect upon the cultural aspects of the Italian language and culture.

The ‘Istituto Italiano Di Cultura Premio Italia’ Italian Prizes are aimed at fostering the students’ creative abilities. Students are invited to submit written compositions and artistic works based on a theme, as determined by the Worldwide Celebrations associated with the “Italian Language and Culture Week”, occurring in October each year. This year’s theme centered on Science, Art and Culture.

The best students’ works are awarded the ‘Istituto Italiano di Cultura Premio Italia’ Italian Prizes, provided by the Istituto di Cultura Italiana di Sydney (Italian Institute of Culture in Sydney).

Congratulations to this year’s winners:

Premio letterario (literary prizes)

First prize: Stephanie Kolobaric – The Renaissance
Second prize: Marissa Rodriguez – The History of Anatomy
Third prize (shared): Madonna Quixley – A personal history of her studies of physics and Fermi
Kate Clarke – The relationship between science and the Catholic Church

Premio Artistico (artistic prizes)

First prize: Suzanne Moss – Love in the time of Quanta
Second prize: Susan Banks – Homage to Giulio Natta
Third prize: Suzanne Francis – Blue, green, but not red

Professor Toni Makkai announces the prize winners in the presence of the Ambassador (of Italy)The winning students with the Ambassador, Adriano Tedde (First Secretary) and ANU academic staff

Pictured, top - the second ranked prize winner, Susan Banks, with her artistic proposal of the Nobel prize winner Giulio Natta

Pictured, above, left - Professor Toni Makkai (Dean, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences) announces the prize winners in the presence of the Ambassador (of Italy)

Pictured, above, right - The winning students with the Ambassador, Adriano Tedde (First Secretary) and ANU academic staff