Past events
Art That Looks Like Art, Art That Looks Like Life
Perspectives on Activism in Brazil Through the Practice of Christus Nóbrega The relationship between art and life has been a central issue in the artistic field, challenging the boundaries between creation and everyday experience. When art is inserted into reality, it strains discourses,…
Do Sydney’s disease histories challenge pathogen avoidance theory?
For the past two decades there have been various theses and antitheses regarding the idea that the disgust reaction evolved to support pathogen avoidance. Pathogen avoidance theory maintains that human self-preservation is dependent on avoiding, sublimating or destroying microbes. At first glance,…
Seminar Series | Jamie Jelinski
Art forum
Face the Fax: The Development and Unrealized Potential of Wirephoto at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police In early 1960, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) sent two police identification photographs and a single fingerprint thousands of kilometers across the country via a wirephoto…
Recent Fertility Trends and Childbearing Patterns in Iran: The Impact of Marriage and Policy Incentives
In societies like Iran, where childbearing is confined to marriage, the proportion of individuals who marry, the timing of marriage, and birth intervals are key determinants of fertility. Iran's fertility decline has been shaped by a unique pattern of long interbirth intervals and the strong…
What’s to know about politics? Positivism and tradition in Australian undergraduate program and course descriptions (William Howe, ANU)
How do Australian universities today communicate to potential and new students what constitutes fundamental knowledge in the study of politics? In this talk I discuss results of research on required or core undergraduate course descriptions in political science; international relations; and,…
Inability and Permission
Consider the following questions: Obligation: If S is unable to X, is S obligated to X? Permission: If S is unable to X, is S permitted to X? Obligation has received a great deal of attention in ethics and allied fields. Many are convinced that it should receive a simple answer:…
Democratic Principles for a Multilevel, Multidemoi Democracy
Democracy is conventionally understood as “delegation with accountability”. As such, it presupposes the existence of a demos from which the matching chains of delegation and accountability must, respectively, depart from and arrive to.Moreover, these chains must ideally be unbroken, but the…