Visiting Artist Exhibition One: Wyatt Amend (USA) & Vlamidir Pesek (CZ)

Reception: 23 March 2016 6:00pm Duration: Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 10:30 - Friday, April 1, 2016 - 17:00 Location: School of Art, Foyer Gallery Opening speaker: Assoc. Prof Dr David Hansen Wyatt Amend A native and current resident of southern California, Wyatt Amend’s ceramic work revolves around the world of glass. By striving for fine and delicate venetian forms, Amend has developed a multitude of techniques which allow him to emulate glass goblets and drinking vessels. Working more as a woodworker does on a lathe, Amend carves down a larger form to create his interpretations of ancient blown glass. His next step will involve combining the carving and grinding techniques of the glass coldshop to different glazes and clay bodies, and in turn noting how those marks will influence the glaze after multiple firings/ carvings. Vladimir Pesek Dr Vladimír Pešek is a Czech sculptor and conceptual artist, and is currently a Visiting Artist in the Sculpture Workshop. Does a moral standpoint of an author define his/her artwork`s quality? I am scared of art and I don’t believe in its meaning. However, I desire to live in art and with it. I admire artwork that gives up on being explained and understood. It is probably solely the art that possesses an ability to exist without a need to be looked through and comprehended. It is actually that uncertainty generated by an inability to “grasp it” which seems to me as the most important feature of an artwork.

Date and Times


Foyer Gallery, 105 Childers Street, 2601 Acton,