Sound, Image, Text : Symposium

Sound, Image, Text: Symposium

24-25 August 2023

Sir Roland Wilson Building Room 2.02

Sound, Image, Text brings together a range of art historians, musicologists and literary scholars to speak on Jean-Benjamin de Laborde’s long-forgotten illustrated songbook Choix de Chansons (1773) and other related topics. This symposium is inspired by the digital critical edition of Jean-Benjamin de Laborde’s Choix de Chansons (1773), developed by an interdisciplinary team of art historians, musicologists and literary scholars from the Australian National University, University of Sydney, University of Oxford, and the Sorbonne. The project explores the interrelation and interactivity of images, music, and text in the Choix de Chansons and similar cultural objects in the eighteenth century. Bringing together speakers from across Australia, New Zealand and even England, 'Sound, Image, Text' will shed new light on eighteenth century cultural studies.


DAY 1 (Thursday 24 August)

10:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks

SESSION 1 (10:00-11:30)

10:30 Dr Erin Helyard—Music and Music-making in Laborde’s Chansons pittoresques.

11:00 Assoc. Prof. Robert Wellington— Subscription Prospectus for Choix de Chansons.


SESSION 2 (12:00-1:00)

12:00 Dr Pia Van Gelder—

12:30 Prof. Mark Ledbury—The Choix de Chansons as an object of bibliographic desire.

1:00 LUNCH

SESSION 3 (3:00-4:00)

3:00 Dr Katrina Grant—The Choix de Chanson as a case study for thinking about how digital research methods support transdisciplinarity and the study of the history of material cultures.

3:30 Dr Sarah Grant—Entertaining the Queen: the princesse de Lamballe and duchesse de Polignac’s musical performances for Marie Antoinette.

SOUND, IMAGE, TEXT EXHIBITION—Project Space, ANU School of Art & Design (opposite the Gallery) (4:15-6:00)

4:15 Poppy Thomson—Curating Sound, Image, Text.

5:00-6:00 SOUND, IMAGE, TEXT Exhibition Opening


DAY 2 (Friday 25 August)

SESSION 4 (10:30-11:30)

10:30 Mark Shepheard—Why Mrs. Bach was not the Queen of Spain: Musician Portraits and the Phenomenon of Citogenesis in the Digital Age.

11:00 Dr Leo Murray, Dr Alys Daroy & Assoc. Prof. Joshua Zeunert—Anthropoiesis.


SESSION 5 (12:00-1:00)

12:00 Nicholas Rogers—The stage sets for Richard Wagner’s Parsifal (1882), the Gesamtkunstwerk, and the culture of European empire.

12:30 Simon Rickard—Sunset over Arcadia:the decline of the baroque musette.

1:00 LUNCH


2:00 Prof. Dean W. Sutcliffe—Diplomacy or Honesty? Judging the Tone in Later Eighteenth-Century Music

RECITAL—Larry Sitsky Rectial Room, ANU School of Music (7:00-8:30)

Music for the Dauphine: Laborde's Choix de Chansons


Those who are unable to attend in person are invited to join us via Zoom. Be sure to select the online ticket option on registering to receive the Zoom link.

This event is hosted by the Centre for Art History and Art Theory. This research was supported by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council’s Discovery Projects funding scheme (Performing Transdisciplinarity DP170102666).

Enquiries: Associate Professor Robert Wellington, Director for the Centre for Art History and Art Theory,

Date and Times


