PIAZZOLLA and NUEVO TANGO public lecture

For All Music Lovers! PIAZZOLLA and NUEVO TANGO. “The most haunting, sensual and melancholic music “ Public lecture by Marcela Fiorillo. The international circulation of Piazzolla’s music, its fusion with multiple styles, genres and interpreters, happened parallel to its propagation as a symbol of Buenos Aires. From this perspective, the Argentine pianist, Marcela Fiorillo, will reveal at the piano the important elements of his music, the juxtaposition of tango, jazz, Bach and composers of the XX Century. Even those who love tango but don’t know about Piazzolla will enjoy this one-hour lecture illustrated with some of his most beautiful music. Free and open to the public, no RSVP required.

Date and Times


Manning Clark Theatre 2, 26A Union Court, 2601 Acton,