Overcoming the Challenges of Doing Stratified Probability Sampling in China

In China where the level of internal migration is high and where record keeping on the population is not reliable, the stratified probability sampling based on household registration records is often biased because of coverage errors. In carrying out the Fourth Wave of Asian Barometer Survey, we apply spatial sampling based on GPS technology to overcome the inability to reach migrants in traditional area samples based on household lists. The successful incorporation of mobile urban residents has important substantive effects, in both univariate and multivariate analyses of public opinion data.
The ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods is pleased to present the Social Research and Methods Seminar series. The seminar series includes speakers from a range of research backgrounds, all with an applied research methods focus.
Room 2.02 (Training Room 1),
Beryl Rawson Building #13
Australian National University
- Professor Yun-han Chu, Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica
- Matthew Taylor(02) 6125 9215