Gender, Science and Wonder - Postgraduate workshop

Sponsored by the ANU Gender Institute.
How do science and technology make us wonder? And how do gendered understandings figure into our wonderings?
Science and technology offer underexplored territory when it comes to wonder, and the ways in which both scientists and non-scientists respond to the worlds and possibilities opened up through science. Wonder draws together threads of knowledge making and the workings of the world with questions of ethics, curiosity and awe. And it draws attention to processes of wondering, and therefore to how our approaches to sciences and technologies shape how our knowledge and worlds are made.
This postgraduate workshop will open up a conversation across the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities on the gendered dimensions of scientific and technological wonderment.
It will explore how institutional, social and technical practices gender science, speaking to pressing questions of women’s participation in the STEMM disciplines. But it also takes questions of gender and science beyond demographic and institutional factors, into the kinds of gendered understandings and imaginaries that are fostered by and shape knowledge in science and technology.
Keynote presentations:
- Professor Catherine Waldby - The Duration of Fertility: oocytes, reproduction and deep time
- Dr Astrida Neimanis - Fishy Beginnings (We Are All Bodies of Water)
- Dr Anne-Sophie Dielen - The good, the bad and the wonder. Being a woman in Australian science
Click the link below to register
Seminar room 1, Australian Centre on China in the World, Building #188, fellows Lane, ANU
- Professor Catherine Waldby, Director, ANU Research School of Social Sciences
- Dr Astrida Neimanis, University of Sydney
- Dr Anne-Sophie Dielen, ANU Research School of Biology
- Dr Rachel Morgain