Dr Philip Butterss, The life of C.J. Dennis; 'An Unsentimental Bloke'

Dr Philip Butterss will talk about C.J. Dennis, whose best-selling books The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke and The Moods of Ginger Mick made him a literary celebrity during the First World War and beyond, and are credited by some as helping to shape the ANZAC legend. He will give some attention to Dennis’s careful crafting of his own public profile, and to the more private C.J. Dennis revealed by material in the archive. For enquiries contact Malcolm Allbrook: malcolm.allbrook@anu.edu.au Philip Butterss studied at the University of Sydney where he completed a degree in Early English literature and language. He currently teaches Australian literature and film at the University of Adelaide. His An Unsentimental Bloke: The Life and Work of C.J. Dennis won the 2015 National Biography Award.

Date and Times


Seminar Room A, 9 Fellows Road, 2601 Acton,