ANU/The Canberra Times meet the author event with Sarah Ferguson

Australians came to the ABC's 2015 TV series The Killing Season in their droves, their fascination with the Rudd-Gillard struggle as unfinished as the saga itself. This book takes readers behind the scenes with new on-the-record material and telling insights into the key players of this dramatic period in Australian politics.

Sarah Ferguson says "The making of The Killing Season matched the drama on screen and that's a story we wanted to tell. And now we have a place for the episodes of rich material we could have put into a 5-part series."  

"The Killing Season Uncut is compulsory reading. The leading protagonists in this riveting drama may have exited domestic politics but the aftershocks continue to influence the culture, policies and strategies of the Labor party. As always, Sarah Ferguson's probing analysis is revelatory and disturbing for those of us who continue to believe integrity in politics matters". MUP's CEO, Louise Adler

Sarah Ferguson is an award-winning ABC journalist and a host of the. ABC's Four Corners. Ferguson also wrote and presented Hitting Home, the landmark series on domestic violence.

Co-author Patricia Drum has been a researcher for the ABC's Four Corners and Media Watch. Patricia Drum has been a researcher for the ABC's Four Corners and Media Watch, and a producer on the ABCs 7.30 programme. Patricia returned to the ABC in 2013 to research The Killing Season.

Ferguson will be signing books from 6pm as well as after the discussion at 7.30pm. Books will be on sale thanks to the University Co-Op bookshop.

Registrations essential via this link


Date and Times


Manning Clark Centre, Theatre 1, University Avenue, ANU

