1/2015 | Exhibition Three

Reception: 11 March 2015 6:00pm
Safrizal Shahir
Doctor of Philosophy
Printmedia and Drawing
My studio-led research focuses on an Islamic gravestone that existed between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries in Malay world, known as Batu Aceh. Beside being fascinated by its unique form and qualities, I find Batu Aceh has echoes of ideas about identity, memory and erasure. My artwork has become a ground for reflection and response to these ideas.
Safrizal Shahir (aka Safri) was born in Malaysia. He completed his Bachelor of Applied Arts in Fine Arts at the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) in 2001 and his Masters in Art History at the University of Adelaide in 2008. Safri's art practice draws on a range of media, including drawing, print-media, photo-media and installation. Since 1996, he has participated in numerous group exhibition, including Working Title (PETRONAS Gallery -2008), PIPE (Penang State Gallery - 2011) and has held three solo exhibitions. He was a finalist in the Malaysian Young Contemporary Art Award in 2002 and 2004.
Matt Higgins
Master of Philosophy
Photography and Media Arts
Matt Higgins is a Canberra-based artist who completed his undergraduate
studies at the Canberra School of Art in 2002, graduating with first class honours. Since then, he has moved away from documentary photography in order to explore the realms of cameraless photography, which has taken him to Europe, China and North America.
My practice-led research has been into the chemigram, a cameraless
photographic technique in which light, photographic chemistry and paper alone are responsible for the visual results of chemical reactions onto photographic emulsion. On the one hand, the chemigram is a rebel, breaking all the rules of photography as it is commonly understood. On the other, it sees a return to photography’s most fundamental principle: a fascination with creating images with light. This enchanting but unpredictable process makes every chemigram utterly unique.
Tuesday-Friday 10.30AM-5.00PM
Saturday 12.00-5.00PM
Closed Sunday and Public Holidays