Further information on the Diploma of Languages can be found here: https://cass.anu.edu.au/degrees/diploma-languages 

Who can apply? The Diploma of Languages at ANU is open to Domestic students. Unfortunately, the Diploma is not available to international student visa holders. If you are unsure whether you are eligible please contact ANU Admissions team: domestic.admissions@anu.edu.au

How to apply? If you are not currently enrolled at ANU please apply via this link: https://www.anu.edu.au/study/apply unless the UAC closing date has passed for your desired commencing semester. 

How to apply? If you are a current ANU Student you can apply via this link: https://www.anu.edu.au/study/apply unless the UAC closing date has passed for your desired commencing semester. You will also need to seek concurrent study approval (see below). 

If the UAC closing date has passed please contact the ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences (CASS) Student Office: students.cass@anu.edu.au. This team will assess your eligibility to apply directly to the ANU and provide you with a Domestic Coursework Direct Application Form. Once this has been completed you must send this form, and any relevant concurrent studies approvals, to the ANU Admissions team: domestic.admissions@anu.edu.au 

If your application is after the ANU final closing date for your desired commencing semester you may still be able to apply and there will be a Late Application Fee of $150. The CASS Student Office or ANU Admissions team will advise you if this is required. 

What is concurrent study? Normally the Diploma of Language is studied on part-time basis. If you are currently enrolled in another degree, you may need to obtain permission for concurrent enrolment. You will be advised if you need to supply concurrent approval when your application is being assessed.  

If you are already enrolled at the ANU, you will need written approval from each College in which you are enrolled. Contact your College Student Office for information on how to obtain permission. Here are the contact details for each College: 

ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences (CASS)students.cass@anu.edu.au
ANU College of Asia & the Pacific (CAP)Undergraduates: cap.student@anu.edu.au 
Postgraduates: email your school
ANU College of Business & Economics (CBE)info.cbe@anu.edu.au 
ANU College of Engineering, Computing & Cybernetics (CECC)studentadmin.cecc@anu.edu.au
ANU College of Health & Medicine (CHM)science.enquiries@anu.edu.au
ANU College of Science (CoS)science.enquiries@anu.edu.au
ANU College of Law (Law)enquiries.law@anu.edu.au

Please ensure you have all concurrent study approvals before you pay for and submit your admission application. 

If you are enrolled at another institution, you will need written approval from both your home institution and the ANU. For the ANU, the relevant delegate is ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS) Associate Dean (Education). To apply for concurrent enrolment at the ANU please contact the CASS Student Office students.cass@anu.edu.au  

Please ensure you have all concurrent study approvals before you pay for and submit your admission application. 

Can I Enrol in Just the Diploma of Languages? Many students choose to study the Diploma alongside another enrolment (more about concurrent study) however, the Diploma can also be taken as a ‘standalone’ program (more about full-time study).

Can I Study the Diploma Full-Time? In most cases, the Diploma will be completed on a part-time basis over 3-4 years. Completion on a full-time basis is possible in limited cases where a students can demonstrate the required language competency upon commencement. Please contact the academic convener for further information.

Can I Seek Credit for Prior Learning? Credit in the Diploma is available only in very limited circumstances. Credit status may be applicable if you have completed relevant ANU courses within the same career level that have not been used for a completed degree. All other prior learning can only be eligible for exemption.  Please contact the CASS Student Office for specific advice about credit or exemptions in the Diploma students.cass@anu.edu.au  

Can I Seek Credit for Prior Learning? Credit in the Diploma is available only in very limited circumstances. Credit status may be applicable if you have completed relevant ANU courses within the same career level that have not been used for a completed degree, subject to other credit conditions. All other prior learning can only be eligible for exemption.  Please contact the CASS Student Office for specific advice about credit or exemptions in the Diploma of Languages students.cass@anu.edu.au