Applied Arabic testimonial

Image supplied: Clare Taylor
Author: Clare Taylor
Back in 2019, when I found out that I had been accepted on the Applied Arabic study tour to Amman, Jordan, I felt both excitement and trepidation, simply because I was stepping so far outside of my comfort zone. I am now so glad that I pushed passed the anxiety because Applied Arabic turned out to be a truly wonderful opportunity that I remember fondly to this day. I also felt incredibly fortunate at the time to have been a recipient of the CASS Study Tour and Field Trip Travel Grant, which made it significantly easier for me to afford the trip.
Before visiting, I had no real expectations about Jordan because, like many Australians, I really didn’t know much about the country. What surprised me was how quickly I came to love Amman and everything it offers. The people, the food, the nightlife, the history, and the culture were all so new to me, and yet still so inviting and interesting. When we weren’t in the classroom, we were all out trying to take advantage of everything that Amman has to offer (that being said, we did spend a lot of time in the classroom).
Our convenor, Leila Kouatly, made sure that our studies and experiences covered a whole host of content so that we could best take advantage of the time we had on Applied Arabic. The six weeks passed by in a flash, but still I found that even in that short amount of time, my language skills improved immensely. Our regular study sessions with local university students not only allowed us to make lasting friendships but also to better understand and engage with Jordan’s youth culture.
The cultural excursions we attended were incredible, and Applied Arabic would not have been the same without them. Almost every weekend, we piled into our minibus with our driver Sharaf and roamed across the length and breadth of Jordan. To name just a few, we visited the Dead Sea, Petra, the desert castles, Wadi Rum, and Ajloun castle. We also did local outings and learned about everything from cooking and dance to community organisations and art galleries.
We also undertook educational trips to places such as the UNHCR headquarters or the Australian Embassy in Jordan, which gave us unique opportunities to meet and engage with professionals in our fields. These experiences also helped us to better understand local and regional sociopolitical factors at play, especially in the context of Jordan’s unique geopolitical role within the greater Middle East. These field trips culminated in a vibrant snapshot of the country that allowed us to appreciate everything that Jordan has to offer.
Even after Applied Arabic ended and we all made our own way back to Australia, my fondness for Amman remained. There was just so much about Jordan that I enjoyed or hadn’t seen yet, so I didn’t want to leave. I realised that I had even come to miss the sound of the call to prayer over the city five times a day! So, it wasn’t long after I came back to Australia that I made plans to return to Jordan. While a global pandemic and my graduation happened first, I did make my way back to Amman eventually, where I spent 7 months studying and travelling the region.
I know for a fact that I would never have considered, or had the courage, to move to Amman on my own without the knowledge and experiences that I gained on Applied Arabic. Everything about the trip from the language and cultural skills that I gained to knowing which neighbourhoods I wanted to live in gave me the confidence to travel there independently.
I can genuinely say that undertaking the Applied Arabic study tour in 2019 has changed the course of my life. While there were undoubtedly challenges along the way, I am still so thankful for the friendships and opportunities that the trip offered me. I would recommend the opportunity wholeheartedly to anyone considering the trip because you truly never know where it will lead you.