Upcoming events

ANU Open Day: Explore Studying Bachelor of Arts – 29 March 2025

ANU Open Day: Explore Studying International Relations – 29 March 2025

ANU Open Day: Student & Alumni Panel - 29 March 2025
Gurindji Freedom Banners & Wave Hill / Jinparrak / Canberra Exchange
Gurindji Freedom BannersMumkurla-nginyi-ma parrngalinyparla - From the darkness into the light The banners retell the story of the historic Wave Hill Walk-off in 1966. The 10 iconic banners on display tell the Gurindji account of the ‘walk-off’, which was led by Vincent Jurlama Lingiari AM…
CANCELLED - Remaking the self after cancer: pleasure, embodiment, creativity
Event co-hosted by the ANU School of Sociology and the ANU Gender Institute.A cancer diagnosis can affect all areas of identity, including physical, temporal, psychosocial, sexual and relational. Renegotiating one’s sense of self in the face of a cancer diagnosis requires navigating biomedical…
What’s Love Got to Do with It? Fertility Ideals Amidst Australia’s Fertility Declines
Fertility ideals, desires, and intentions are among the strongest predictors of fertility. The link between these factors and fertility behaviours, as well as how they are influenced by socio-economic factors, is widely studied. However, much less is known about people’s psycho-emotional…
Seminar Series | Anna May Kirk
Art forum
Revealing the Invisible with Glass Anna May Kirk will discuss her practice with glass, exploring how environments transform over deep geological and human historical time, and how this change is experienced. Kirk’s works utilise the optical nature of glass to make tangible the many processes of…
From Thesis to Published Book: An Aboriginal historian’s multi-generational family history research and what it revealed about the impact of colonisation on Aboriginal people
Shauna Bostock’s insatiable curiosity about her family history developed over time to become the focus of her academic research. She traced her four Aboriginal grandparents’ family lines to as far back as she could go in the written historic record, which was during the encroachment of white…
The historian in the mirror: writing first-person history, and other issues in contemporary historiography
Responding to the impulse to provide an account of the birth of what was (probably) Australia’s last new polity – the ACT Legislative Assembly – has presented multiple challenges. The period under review (1989-2001, the first four Legislative Assemblies) ends just 25 years ago, rendering…
How to Build a Stock Exchange - Public Lecture by Professor Philip Roscoe
Join us for a public lecture by Professor Philip Roscoe, RSSS Visiting Fellow in Sociology, on his book How to Build a Stock Exchange: The Past, Present and Future of Finance (2023). About the Book Why is finance so important? How do stock markets work and what do they really do? Most…