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The case for quotas in politics: the absence of women isn’t merit-based

By Marian Sawer, Emeritus Professor, School of Politics and International RelationsLast weekend’s ALP national conference unanimously adopted a resolution to have women make up 50% of Labor parliamentarians by 2025. Women already make up 43.1% of Labor MPs in all Australian parliaments, as well as…

 Title Page of the Australian Sketchbook 1864-65 chromolithograph. State Library of Victoria.

An overdue appreciation of ST Gill, Australia’s first painter of modern life

 By Sasha Grishin, Adjunct Professor of Art History, School of Literature Languages & Linguistics  ST Gill may be the quintessential Australian colonial artist, known to anyone who has been educated in Australia and seen textbooks on Australian history full of Gill illustrations of…


Is downloading really stealing? The ethics of digital piracy

By Christian Barry, ANU School of PhilosophyMany millions of people throughout the world will illegally download the fifth season of Game of Thrones, released today by HBO. Legally speaking, what they will be doing is a violation of intellectual property rights, or “piracy”. But will they be…


Changing the soul: are conservatives the new radicals?

By Shaun Crowe, Centre for the Study of Australian Politics. Few members of the 20th-century political right were more important than Milton Friedman. As an academic, author, television presenter and adviser to Ronald Reagan – who once described his show Free to Choose as a “survival kit” for…


Indigenous languages won't survive if kids are learning only English

By Professor Jane Simpson, School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics. The question of what language(s) to teach Indigenous students, what languages to teach them in, and how to go about it has been generating a little political heat (but not quite so much light) of late.  On ABC’s…