In the media
Academic staff and research scholars constantly provide media commentaries.The following interviews and media pieces have been published in recent months:
Big cast behind city's plan, Canberra Times, .
Why work on the homefront won't count this year, Canberra Times, .
Israeli election result to benefit Palestinians, Australian Financial Review, .
Fake Or Fortune? - Degas, ABC, .
Spotting early warning signs of problem gambling, ABC News, .
ANU focuses on policy: New Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics , Australian Policy Online, .
A retrospective evening on Farley, Canberra Times, .
Australia names new ambassador to Afghanistan, Bernama, .
Abbott can almost taste victory, Canberra Times, .
Greens choose Tas banker for the senate, Bigpond, .
Dr Martyn Jolly - Conversations with Richard Fidler, ABC Local, .
Courtenay captivates at ANU launch, Canberra Times, .
Aboriginal jobs surge, Australian Financial Review, .
Catch and release, Canberra Times, .
Gillard promotes Shorten to Workplace Minister, Bloomberg online, .
More than just LOLs, texts boost literacy, Canberra Times, .
Leigh Sales speaks with former U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan., ABC 7:30 Report, .
Canberra Conversations - Professor Adrian Walter, ABC 666 Canberra, .
Friday Talkback: What Is Love?, ABC Radio National, .