Osman Chiu
My degree allows me to think critically, communicate effectively and conduct research independently.
Before I decided to go to ANU, I already knew I was going to do Criminology, but I was still unsure which university I should study with. My cousin is an ANU alumnus, and I discovered that not only did ANU offer Criminology as an undergraduate degree, but also came with a stunning world ranking. And part of my reasoning was that I had so little exposure to Australia and I wanted to know more.
My hometown is Brossard, which is located in Quebec, Canada and part of the Greater Montreal area. My frequent visits nowadays have shown that it has become more diverse, the town was very homogeneous, overwhelmingly white and francophone when I was growing up in the early 2000s, with very little noticeable English-speaking or ethnic minority communities from what I saw. I was definitely singled out in a few ways due to me being the only Chinese in my elementary school.
Studying at ANU now is completely different from my childhood in Quebec. ANU has students and scholars from different parts of the world, and they will help you to find your own place in this diverse and thriving community.
I always wanted to become a detective when I was a child, so naturally I chose the Bachelor of Criminology for my degree. It equipped me with knowledge of different aspects of crime and its effects on society as a whole.
My degree allows me to think critically, communicate effectively and conduct research independently. On top of that, it offers a broad range of electives enabling me to be an all-rounder with highly transferable skills.
All too often, people think Criminology graduates’ career options are only limited to criminological academia, law enforcement, and correctional services, myself included. However, later I learned that many private sectors like investment banks actually recruit people from all disciplines and that includes criminology students. I was fortunate enough to have interned with Standard Chartered Bank and Morgan Stanley as an Investment Banking Analyst. Studying a Criminology degree at ANU can open the door to a host of fascinating and rewarding careers.
My favourite thing about ANU is the large amount of exchange programmes, trips overseas, and leadership roles that really enrich students' university experience. This year, I am the General Officer of ANUSA Clubs Council and International Student Advocate of Fenner Hall. Joining societies expanded my social circle, and helped me to explore interests that I've never encountered. These valuable experiences can help students tremendously in management and delegation, and they will arm them with many of the skills future employers will be looking for.