I want to use my experiences to change the world.
My name is Hero Cook. Yes, like superhero. But no, I don’t wear my underwear on the outside or go around saving the world, at least not yet. Maybe after my International Relations and Law degrees I’ll be able to change the world, but right now I’m just Hero.
Even though I’m not a crime-fighting superhuman I have had some extraordinary adventures that have influenced my perception of the world. When I was ten I visited the small island nation of Vanuatu. I stood on the edge of a live volcano and watched as magma-propelled rocks thudded to the ground 100 meters from my feet. I looked on as men threw themselves off towers with vines attached to their legs, only to come crashing down into the arms of their friends below. I witnessed the inexplicable generosity of people who had very little, yet were more than happy to share.
If I ever do live up to my name and become a superhero I want to have an impact, an impact on the Earth, on my friends and family, and on strangers. I want to use my experiences to change the world. I want to become Hero (the modern-day superhero).