Student blog

The CASS Student Blog is your opportunity to tell your peers what it’s like to be a humanities, creative arts and social sciences student at ANU. We want to hear about your experiences on campus and off, advice you have for other students, and recommendations for things to do and eat.

Interested? Read our submission guidelines.

Six Pearls of Wisdom in Six Years

Authored by Sariel Taylor Pindo

Passing on lessons for how to make the most out of your ANU and CASS Community Some of life’s best lessons are learnt through experience, though others are learnt through chance encounters and…

Learning the hard way: one student’s academic journey

Authored by Pamela Hutchinson

One of the more challenging aspects of my transition between school and university was learning to manage higher academic expectations. It became clear during the initial weeks of my first year at…

My Month in China

Authored by Jess

Reflecting on all the adventures of the past university break, I could not believe how blessed I was to have had the opportunity to study and travel in China. As part of the International Alliance of…

The ANU Washington DC internship

Authored by Hero

Picture this. It’s a crisp winter morning; snow gently drifts from the heavens in flurries. You emerge from your brownstone townhouse clothed head to toe in your warmest gear, feeling almost as…

A few tips for an amazing first year at ANU

Authored by Annie

If you are reading this… congratulations, you are vastly more prepared for university than I was. No seriously, it turns out that my application to university hadn’t gone through and it was only…

Beyond the Classroom: My First Semester at ANU

Authored by Max S

Being still in my first year, I do lack the knowledge to pass on the top 10 best ways to ace your finals and even the locations of the best coffee spots on campus. I do, however want to lie upon you…