Past events
2016 ANU-NTU Research Symposium
The inaugural ANU-NTU research symposium showcases the work spanning the arts, humanities and social sciences of both institutions. The gathering is aimed at inspiring formal and informal conversations over two days. ANU staff and HDR students are warmly invited to attend and to share their ideas…
Book Launch: Kim Mahood 'Position Doubtful'
Book launch
How do places shape people? In Position Doubtful, Kim Mahood explores the different ways in which white and Indigenous people conceptualise and experience Australian land. Journey to the heart of the writer’s relationship with the country, and uncover the connection between place and belonging.…
ANU 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition Final 2016
The ANU Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Final 2016 An 80,000 word research project would take nine hours to present. Their time limit is three minutes! Join us for an evening of smart entertainment and catch a glimpse of the amazing research projects that are being conducted on campus by ANU PhD…
Richard Tognetti & Polina Leschenko: in recital
On Tuesday 13 September 8pm, the Australian Chamber Orchestra presents a special concert featuring Richard Tognetti and acclaimed pianist Polina Leschenko, for one intimate performance only, at Llewellyn Hall. Featuring music by Beethoven, Brahms, Sculthorpe and Arvo Pärt - this is a rare chance…
Books that Changed Humanity #2: The Communist Manifesto
Presented by the ANU Humanities Research Centre. Books that Changed Humanity is a book club with a difference. Each month, the Humanities Research Centre hosts an expert from one of a variety of disciplines, who will introduce and lead the discussion of a major historical text…
Turkey in Turmoil: Aftermath of the Coup Attempt
Turkey in Turmoil: towards electoral sultanism in the aftermath of the July 15 coup attempt? On the night of July 15, 2016 Turkey experienced a coup attempt by a segment within the army and the country has been living under a state of emergency since then. The government quickly pointed to the…
Helen Braund, Leah Bullen, Tiffany Cole, Gosia Pilat and Lia Tajcnar’s exhibition is based on a shared creative longing for the sea. Based in Canberra, visits to the sea offered the artists an inspiring escape and fed their ideas of the sea as a metaphor of the imagination. The exhibition will…