The current state and future of online research in Australia

Presented by the ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods and the Social Research Centre
In Australia and worldwide the increase in internet penetration has seen a plethora of nonprobability online panels established.
These panels provide researchers with access to panel members prepared to undertake surveys for ‘rewards’.
In the United States and parts of Europe the increased use of the Worldwide Web for data collection has also resulted in the establishment of probability-based online research panels based on the scientific sampling of the population.
The same is not true in Australia where there aren’t any commercially-available national probability based online panels.
The organisers of this workshop are concerned that the rapid increase in the use of nonprobability online panels in Australia has not been accompanied by an informed debate regarding the advantages and disadvantages of undertaking online research via probability and nonprobability research panels.
This workshop brings together leading Australian and international survey researchers to explore this issue.
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