Australian Indigenous Studies

If you are considering upgrading your qualifications in the arts and humanities, you will want to learn from the best in Australia and immerse yourself in the national cultural scene


Degrees offered

Indigenous Australian studies is an interdisciplinary area in which you may combine courses in anthropology, archaeology, English, gender and sexuality, history, linguistics, music, and the visual arts. These studies provide you with a broad understanding of Indigenous Australian societies and cultures both in the past and the present.

Research in Indigenous Australian studies at ANU covers Aboriginal languages with application to Indigenous language education and mapping social, religious and territorial organisation, which provides a basis for Indigenous governance, land claims and native title issues. You may also conduct archaeological and historical research that helps to inform cultural heritage management and produce local histories and biographies. Through your research you can document and analyse art and performance to increase public understanding of Indigenous cultural production and its social and economic dimensions and document economic circumstances to help produce better development outcomes.