50 years of the HC Coombs Creative Arts Fellowship

Andrew Pike with film maker and ANU Creative Arts Fellow Arthur Cantrill, 1969.

'Milngiyawuy' by 2000 Fellow Naminapu Maymuru-White (detail)
About the Fellowship
The HC Coombs Creative Arts Fellowship has welcomed the best visual artists, painters, sculptors, photographers, writers, musicians, composers and filmmakers to The Australian National University for 50 years. The aim of the Fellowship is to share and extend experience and knowledge with our students and broader academic community.
The Creative Arts Fellowship, which was a first of its kind for an Australian university, was initiated in 1965 by then ANU Pro-Chancellor H.C. ‘Nugget’ Coombs. The Fellowship was designed to extend the University’s reach from research in sciences to the creative arts. In honour of its founder, the Fellowship was renamed in 1998.
Today, the Fellowship continues to foster a two-way flow of information between visiting fellows and the ANU community through outreach activities, including public lectures and workshops. Together, the University community celebrates the Fellowship’s rich history and looks forward to its continued success.
Fellows in conversation
Andrew Farriss of rock band INXS is the 2015 HC Coombs Creative Arts Fellow.
George Dreyfus is an award-winning Australian composer who was a Creative Fellow in 1967-68.
Fellows on ArtSound radio, Canberra
Listen to Fellows on ArtSound FM Canberra, 92.7 FM, Canberra
David Williams AM on 50 years of Fellows (MP3 3.2 Meg)
George Dreyfus on his time as a Fellow - Part 1 (MP3 6.5 Meg)
George Dreyfus on his time as a Fellow - Part 2 (MP3 6.8 Meg)